Ayurveda Treatments

Ayurveda Treatments

Ayurveda translates into English as the Science of Life (Ayur – life, veda – science). Ayurveda is the oldest and most developed life science of natural healing in the world. Life is the outcome of the union of body (Sharir), sense organs (Indriya), Psyche (Mana) and Soul (Atma). Ayurveda is not merely a system of Healing, but an entire way of life that aims to bring about the perfect balance of the entire personality – body, mind and spirit. Ayurveda is based on theory of tridosha of the three Biological forces – Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Disease arises when there is an imbalance among the three Doshas and aim of the therapy is to bring about the required equilibrium. 

Ayurveda is a holistic system of healing which evolved in India about 3000-5000 years ago. The south Indian state of Kerala ranks as one of the world’s most renowned destinations for authentic Ayurvedic treatments. Thousands of tourists flock to Kerala every year solely to avail of Ayurveda treatments for ailments such as arthritis, paralysis, obesity, sinusitis, migraine, premature ageing, skin ailments etc.

The immense popularity of Ayurveda in Kerala can be attributed to the equable climate of the state, its natural abundance of forests – which are storehouses of rich herbs and natural oils – and the cool monsoons (June – November) that Kerala experiences, which are all ideally suited for this ancient system of medicine.

The principles and practices of Ayurveda evolved through centuries, and the importance of Ayurveda in Kerala was further enhanced by Siddha and Marma systems in southern Kerala and Kalaripayattu and Kalari Therapy in the northern parts. In fact, today, Kerala can be considered the only state in India where Ayurvedic science is practiced with absolute dedication. 

Kerala’s special

Kerala is a gift of nature with tropical forests bounteous with hundreds of herbs. Ayurveda is a nature friendly system. Kerala has a rich heritage. In practicing this system scientifically. Centuries ago, the Vaidyas (Physicians) of Kerala preserved this system in its sanctity and developed into different therapeutic techniques like Dhara, Pizhichil, Patrapothala sveda, Choorna sveda, Pindasveda, Kativasti etc. which are effective for curing of diseases and rejuvenation.


Kerla Destinations offers you an opportunity to combine a Tropical vacation along with Ayurveda healing or rejuvenation. We offer you a wonderful selection of Ayurveda health resorts in Kerala, India to choose from.


The Ayurveda resorts we offer give a range of treatments and ayurveda packages for you for all different types of accommodations, durations and budgets. The Ayurveda packages aim to cleanse, Rejuvenate and detoxify the mind and body using traditional ayurveda techniques.

Lukewarm medicated oil is applied on your body while you are lying on the “Dharapathi”. The oil is selected after careful analysis of the person’s character, body construction (physiological constitution of each individual), digestive power, etc. Oil dipped pieces of cloth are squeezed by hand and the oils rubbed smoothly over the body of the patient by masseurs on either side. The medicated oil is pressed out of the cloth uniformly over the body at a defined height and massaged gently in definite and rhythmic strokes. 

Pizhichil is a classic rejuvenation therapy and it rejuvenates ‘magically’ the entire body, each cell deeply.

Pizhichil is a rare and special treatment of Kerala. It uses herbal oils and is very effective for rheumatic diseases like arthritis, paralysis, stiffness of limbs, spastic conditions, hemiplegia and nervous disorders. It prevents ageing, dryness of skin , wrinkles, and muscular neurological complaint

We recommend a course of 7 to 21 days to experience full benefit.

Shirodhara is traditionally used to calm the nerves, harmonize Vata constitutions, balance all kinds of mind imbalances, restore the nerves, release stored emotions, and purify the mind. In Ayurvedic Medicine, it is considered an important tool in the pursuit of higher states of consciousness. Shirodhara has been traditionally shown to help with fatigue, mental exhaustion, anxiety, insomnia, some mental disorders, headache, excessive thinking, nervousness, and many other conditions commonly affecting Americans in today’s active lifestyle. 

Most people will commonly notice many of the following after Shirodhara: reduction in stress, reduction in excessive thinking, calming of the emotions, release of negative emotions, improved sleep, improvement in insomnia, vivid dreaming, muscle relaxation, improvement in mood, centeredness, a reduction in anxiety, alleviation of mental anguish, and a temporary blissful state. Many people experience profound levels of insight and emotional healing after Shirodhara. In essence, it calms the body, mind, and spirit.

It is an amazing effective treatment for balancing the Vata dosha and the mind in general. It works on the cerebral system, helps in relaxing the nervous system and balancing the Prana vayu around the head. It improves the function of the five senses, helps in insomnia, stress, anxiety, and depression, hair loss, and fatigue, and makes one calm and fresh.

Dhara is performed on patients as an effective nervine tonic and as a remedy for psychosomatic disorders. In this process, some herbal oils, medicated milk, medicated butter milk etc., are poured on the forehead in a special method for about 45 minutes. Indicated for neurological diseases, insomnia, depression, chronic head-aches, sleeplessness and burning sensation in the head.

We recommend a course of 7 to 28 days to experience full benefit.

This is a treatment for brain strength. This therapy is an excellent remedy for facial palsy, headache and various neurological disorders connected with the brain. Certain lukewarm herbal oils are poured into a cap fitted on the head for 15 to 60 minutes per day. It is useful in facial paralysis, headache, visual problems, memory ailments, disturbed sleep, sinus, chronic cold, etc. 

We recommend a course of 7 to 28 days to experience full benefit.

This is the ancient Ayurvedic therapy for sinusitis, migraine and chronic cold. The inhalation of medicated herbal preparations, decoctions, oils, ghee etc. helps to eliminate the morbid factors (Kapha dosha) from the head and neck area. This also includes gently massaging your body from the shoulders upward. 

Herbal juices, medicated oils etc., are applied the through nose for 7 to 28 days. This treatment is highly effective for certain kinds of headaches, paralysis, mental disorders, certain types of skin diseases etc. Nasyam stimulates nervous tissues, enhances the functions of eyes, nose, and ears and induces sound sleep. Effective treatment for: Sinusitis, Dental Problems, Ear and Eye Diseases, Facial Paralysis, Migraine, etc.

This therapy is used to stimulate the nerves and strengthen muscles. Njavara, a kind of paddy having medicinal properties is boiled in a medicinal decoction and the kizhi is made with this boiled njavara. The kizhi is dipped in a mixture of milk and medicinal decoction and is applied all over the body. This treatment involves application of special Njavara rice paste. The body is massaged gently with linen bags filled with Njavara rice cooked well in herbal decoction.


The treatment is useful in musculoskeletal disorders, degenerative conditions and neurological problems etc. It is a process by which the whole body or any specific part thereof is made to perspire by the application of certain medical puddings externally in the form of boluses tied up in a muslin bag. Indicated for neurological diseases, rheumatism, arthritis and emaciation of limbs for restoration of health. This therapy will provide a better physical consistency, strengthen the nerves and best of all improve overall complexion. This treatment is a boon for sports enthusiasts, as it will address pains related to the joints and sore muscles. This is a nourishing and restorative treatment that will reduce emaciation of the muscles as well as build a better immune system.

This rhythmical and deeply relaxing warm sesame oil rejuvenation treatment helps remove stagnant energy and move the “Prana” or life force to stimulate your body’s vital energy. Your nerves are soothed as you drift into a deep state of bliss and joy. Ayurvedic Massage offers lasting relief from chronic aches and pains like backache, joint pains, stiff neck, migraine and rheumatic pains. You are asked to lie down on a wooden “Thoni” while herbal oils are applied by the Masseur.

Trained masseurs conduct the massage under the supervision of expert Ayurvedic physicians. This technique massages the body with specialized Ayurvedic in which strokes are given along with the application of medicated oils. This therapy comforts the person, improves blood circulation, prevents absorption of inflammatory exudations, removes obesity and pain in the body, relieves fatigue and promotes development of muscles. Special types of Ayurvedic oils are used in the massage. Special type of oil massage in which strokes are given according to the diseases for 45 minutes per day for 14 days. This treatment is very useful for obesity, especially for diabetic Gangrene (a condition due to lack of blood circulation in the extremes of the body) etc.

We recommend a course of 7 to 28 days to experience full benefit.

Ayurvedic Medicated ghee is given internally in a proportionally increased quantity for a period of 7 to 14 days. Snehapanam is a special treatment in which medicated herbal oils or ghee preparations are administered orally for internal consumption. This is used to ‘liquefy’ doshas – for easy removal later and also useful in cases of osteo- arthritis, psoriasis and chronic constipation, Rheumatoid arthritis, Psychic disorders, Skin ailments and Bronchial Asthma and other chronic conditions. 

Snehapanam is done as a therapeutic procedure and also as a preparatory process during the body purification therapy. Medicated herbal oils or ghee preparations are orally for internal consumption in proportionally increasing quantities for a period of 7 to 14 days.

* Remember dosage of rare ghee goes on increasing daily.

This is also known as a steam bath. Medicated and aromatic herbal steam/baths are given in a closed chamber to remove the bodily impurities. This leaves one with a glowing and relaxed skin. Depending on the constitution Vata-Pitta-Kapha, different sweating therapies are done in the traditional Ayurveda. It is a procedure by which the person is made to perspire by the application of medicated steam all over the body, except the head. Indicated for neurological aliments, rheumatism, pain all over the body, stiffness of back, arthritis, skin diseases, etc.

We recommend a course of 7 to 28 days to experience full benefit. Usually Swedanam f Ayurvedic massage (Abhyangam)

This is a traditional brisk massage with herbal powders. It is excellent in obesity, cellulite, etc. It is a stimulating massage using special herbal powder to reduce cellulite accumulations, improve circulation and enhance your skin’s texture and appearance. We thoroughly exfoliate your body using a powerful mixture of Ayurvedic powders which will break up fatty deposits and energize blood circulation. Typically, the client is massaged with herbal powders for about 30 minutes daily for a period of 14 to 28 days. This treatment is for diseases like hemiplegia, paralysis, obesity (excess fat) and certain rheumatic ailments. This is a deep, dry and invigorating massage with various specially blended powders to reduce obesity, impart mobility to joints, strengthen muscles and refresh the body. It promotes better complexion, reduces wrinkles, cleanses, and exfoliates, tones, cures dryness, skin itch and tightness. It leaves the skin fresh, young and silky smooth. It also removes body odor, increases circulation and melts excess fat. 

We recommend a course of 7 to 28 days to experience full benefit of this therapy.

The indications for this therapy are back ache, degenerative changes, spondylytic changes of L/S spine, compressed discs, and compression of the spinal cord. After a gentle massage on the body, specially prepared warm herbal oil is poured over the lower back and retained inside an herbal paste boundary for 50 minutes. The healing properties of herbal oils used for this massage deeply cleans and enriches the blood, builds and maintains strong muscle and connective tissues and lubricates the joints, keeping them flexible and pain free. Kativasthi alleviates lower back pain and all spinal disorders. 

We recommend a course of 7 to 28 days to experience full benefit of this therapy.

This therapy helps to nourish, strengthen, and regulate heart functions. It is greatly rejuvenating for the heart. It strengthens the heart muscle, and increases strength and vitality at a very essential level. Warm medicated oil is kept over the chest for 45 minutes. This is an effective treatment for asthma, other respiratory problems, heart diseases and muscular chest pain and specific conditions such as Ischemic heart disease and CHF.

We recommend a course of 7 to 28 days to experience full benefit of this therapy.

Special powder mixed with medicated oil is applied to the top of the head for 20 to 45 minutes. This treatment is helpful for ENT problems, insomnia, migraine etc. Thalam improves vision, cures headaches, insomnia. $3 per treatment. We recommend a course of 7 to 28 days to experience full benefit of this therapy.

This is a process by which medicated herbal paste is applied to the affected part. This is useful for various types of inflammatory conditions. Lepanam is an important therapy for Skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema, etc), Muscular injury (or weakness), atrophy of muscles, brain diseases, insomnia, varicosity etc.

We recommend a course of 7 to 28 days to experience full benefit of this therapy.

A therapy to strengthen the muscular/ skeletal structure and the neuromuscular system of the body. Herbal leaves and herbs or herbal powders are applied to the whole body in boluses with hot medicated oils for 45 minutes per day for a period of 7 to 14 days. The Herbal poultices are prepared with various herbs and medicated powders. Your entire body is massaged with these poultices after they are warmed in medicated oils. This promotes circulation and increases perspiration which in turn helps the skin eliminate the wastes, thereby improving skin tone. This is an herbal treatment for stiffness, body pain, etc., especially effective for arthritis and paralysis. This treatment is very effective in treating osteoarthritis, arthritis with swelling, spondilosis, sports injuries etc.

We recommend a course of 7 to 28 days to experience full benefit of this therapy.